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WT - Arlaena Tzarka v.5




▌ P R O F I L E - The Conductor

“ No amount of water can wash away the blood on my hands. To kill more, what difference is there? ”
[ B A S I C · I N F O R M A T I O N ]
Name :  Arlaena Tzarka
Nicknames : Princess, Ms. Attendant, Ms. Conductor, Arla, Minx, Shitty Woman, Temptress Extraordinaire, Jesus Avatar Mama Bear Man Pimp Arla.
Age : 49
Physical age: 19 
Birthday : January 15th
      Star Sign : Capricorn
Height : 5'8"
Weight : 152 lbs
Species : Malisdracotrinis | Dracania [WIP]
Dimension: Xyrell, Hexlyv [WIP]
Rank : Conductor
Relationship Status : Single | Widowed x2
        Living: Father, little sister, sons (Ayden, Rhys, Laurence).
        Deceased: Mother, Older brother, little brother, husbands (Kaden, Rowan)

▌ P E R S O N A L I T Y

[ P O S I T I V E ]
[ Responsible | Motherly | Hardworking | Loyal | Generous | Kind ]
Being the Conductor of World Train, anyone on the train is her responsibility and she will protect them. She is willing to fight to the death for the people she cares for as she does not value her own life. If someone were to so much as shove a friend, she would proceed to mug the person, then leave them in a dark alley, bruised, broken, and bloodied.

To those who know her, she is a very kind woman who puts them above herself, who is giving of her time and energy. She treasures her friends greatly and will treat them like the family she never had. 

Around new people, she keeps up a stern front.

[ N E G A T I V E ]
[ Prideful | Self Loathing | Vengeful | Ferocious | Blunt | Withdrawn ] 
Arlaena is an godless fighter who does not believe in the words 'honorable fight'. A win is a win regardless of the how. She will not give up unless her head is off her shoulders. (Even then it's debatable if her body will somehow animate itself to fight) If she were in a fight and lost all her limbs, she would still try to rip out your neck with her teeth. She hates being dominated by anyone. Thus, she works to be the dominant one in anything whether it be a competition or a relationship. Accepting help from others is a sign of weakness, unless she's 'delegating' work.

Behind the bravado of fake smiles and cockiness, she hates herself. She views herself as a monster. She does understand that the things she does are morally unacceptable, but will not change her way of life. She sees herself as a bad omen who only brings about death to those she cares for (Examples: Ha-YiPandoraKadenHerenRenhet, misc OCs).

Thanks to the constant fighting and battling, she has PTSD. This can be triggered upon sighting a dragon, sudden bursts of fire and extremely loud sounds. She will either go into full panic mode and break down, or attack.
[ M I X E D]
[ Contradicting Morals | Serious | Unabashed | Sexual ]
Arlaena has a twisted sense of what is good and right in the world. While being overprotective of the people closest to her, she will dispose innocent beings or civilizations without qualms if it will benefit her or the safety of the people she loves. In her mind, it's like 'taking out the trash', but enjoyable. Killing used to bother her, but she's grown numb to it. So, if someone is not a friend, under her care, or of any use, she just thinks of them as disposable meat bags. She knows that most would find this an unacceptable trait, so she keeps it on the down low even though she no longer comprehends the importance of a person's life. 
She is also very... bold. If someone were to knock on her door while she was in the shower, she would strut out naked to greet them. She is shameless, but knowing that this would often make others uncomfortable, she would wear a towel and greet them with a straight face. To add onto that is her sex drive. Even though she isn't looking for a relationship, she wouldn't turn down a fling from someone that she considers attractive. Her only requirement would be that there are no emotions attached to their 'friends with benefits' status. Once emotions begin to form that border on love, she will retreat. (The only exception being Harper) While she enjoys dominating her partner, she's open to being dominated in bed. Mostly because she's so used to taking charge, that change is refreshing.

The only times she ever becomes awkward is when someone is crying. Arlaena can't deal.
[ L I K E S  ]
+ Her World Train Family | Coffee | Vodka | Lamb chop | Fighting | Plushies | Hot Springs |

[ D I S L I K E S ]
- Paper work | Being alone | Darkness | Thunderstorms | Enclosed places| Losing | Medicine | Cold Weather | 

▌ B I O G R A P H Y

❝To defeat a monster, one  must become a monster.
If that's what it takes to protect those I love, so be it."

[ S U M M A R Y :  ]

In a sentence: Arlaena was locked away as a child to be executed which causes a lot of emotional trauma that leads into her future as she kills countless people which gives her a lot of bad karma because karma's a bitch and for various reasons, all her friends die, including her husbands, and various lovers over the span of a few years after she was freed.

Not a sentence: Arlaena’s life as a princess was shattered when her wings and horns wouldn’t grow. Being wingless, Arlaena was known as the prophesied monster who has the ability to wipe out her own race. At the age of 7, when it was found out that her wings wouldn’t grow, she would be locked away till she turned 18. During this time, she befriends Damon (ex-fiance and first born son of the religious ruler of a rivaling kingdom) who'd snuck into her underground dungeon to see her. From hatred births friendship which later morphs into love between the two. When it was time for her to be killed, he attempts to free her which only ends up with him being beaten half to death. Seeing this happen before her, Arlaena snaps and enters her morphed state [see skills]. She does save him, but it comes at a high price. The slaughter of hundreds who had turned up for her execution.

For several weeks, he remains on the run, hiding the comatose Arlaena. Not long after she awakens, he hears of the 'World Train' and places her onboard. Rather than follow her, he stays behind claiming he has 'unfinished business'. 

While on the train, Arlaena meets new people and grows. One of them was Kaden. She became engaged to him due to a misunderstanding but they marry out of love. She later becomes the train's Electric Attendant before taking over as Conductor.

Later, Kaden returns to his dimension to enter a war. She follows after him later on, only to find that he had lost his sanity and had begun murdering his people. To save him, she kills him.

Broken, she is comforted by Harper who later becomes her lover. They end up breaking up, however, for various reasons. 

After multiple deaths of loved ones, several caused by her, she finds herself withdrawing emotionally and physically out of fear from losing another person. 

Later, the train enters a dimension where they're attacked by dragons. Arlaena sends the train away and stays to keep the passengers safe. She momentarily passes on the controls to Ajax, who she hoped would give it to an attendant later. She is then trapped in the dimension for 30 years where she would join the army, fight dragons, find and lose love, get married and have two children. Her husband would be killed in the final battle against the dragons. It is through an old friend once thought dead that brings her back to the train. There, she meets up with Harper who, knowing no other way to help her, sleeps with her. This causes her to become pregnant after the first month of their 'friends with benefits' relationship. He dies shortly after at the end of the second month.

Laurence is born and Arlaena is slowly putting herself back together.


▌ B A T T L E

Includes detailed battle style, skills, and weaknesses.

[ S T A T S ]
[ Level ] ?

[ Health ] 20%
[ Magic ] 10%
[ Attack ] 25%
[ Defense ] 20%
[ Speed ] 25%

Total: ?

[ S K I L L S ] 
[ Physical : Species Specific ]
⁂ Hyper sensitive to the elements.
⁂ Increased sense of smell, hearing, and sight.
⁂ Enlarged hearts = greater stamina. 
⁂ Greater stamina = increased strength, speed, and reflexes via training.
⁂ Slow aging.

Without morphing, she can lift up to 760lbs (345kg) at the most, which is the total weight of four grown men. At that point she's struggling.

[ Special : Blood Manipulation ]
Level 1:
⁂ Arlaena has the power to manipulate the shape and density of her own blood.  She can turn her blood into weapons or projectiles that range up to 15 meters (49 ft). She can morph the blood into whatever shape her imagination will allow such as armor, shields, spikes, flowers, animals, etc.

[ Special : Morphing ]
⁂ Has to be in a state of intense rage or stress.
⁂ Arlaena's physical appearance changes to that of a horned white haired woman covered in dragon scales. Her irises will change to amber and her sclera will turn black. Her fangs will elongate and claws will grow. White leather wings will sprout from her back and a skeletal tail will grow from her tailbone. This form increases her powers by tenfold making her a destructive force. It lasts for a total of ten minutes. After that, she will fall into a comatose state for a random amount of time that ranges from an hour to several years.

The more she uses this skill, the more she starts to change to the other form and lose herself to the monster that replaces her. She currently has several scales covering a portion of her right face, her fangs are slightly longer and she acts less like a human in battle.

[Conductor: Conditional Immortality]
⁂ Explained at the end of the Storyline Journal.
⁂ Halted aging process. Remains in effect regardless of location.
⁂ Cannot be killed on the train.
⁂ Can be killed off the train.
[ W E A K N E S S E S ] 
Take into consideration that she has been trapped in a war-like dimension for 30 years. She's worked on those weaknesses.
[ General ]
⁂ Animalistic fighting style driven by instinct.
⁂ Easily tricked by mind games. 
⁂ Low resistance against magic and illusions.
⁂ Easily enraged = extremely reckless. 
⁂ Cold areas: -10% speed. -5% def. 
⁂ Ice attacks are increased by 10% in power.

[ Special : Flaws of Blood Manipulation ]
⁂ Although unlikely due to her power ups, overuse can be extremely dangerous to her well being.
⁂ Increased chance increased rage.

Special : Flaws of Morphing ]
⁂ She cannot differentiate between friend and foe.
⁂ She becomes a mindless killer that will attack anyone she deems a threat. Children are not exempt. 
⁂ She will fall into a comatose state that ranges from an hour to several years. Anyone can kill her in her comatose state. 
⁂ The more she transforms, the less control she has over her own body and sanity.
[ W E A P O N S ]
[ S.I.D.D | Standard Issue Dragon Decapitator ]
⁂ Dubbed Harbinger by Arlaena.

A standard issued sword from the army she had joined during her thirty year absence. It is forged out of dragon scale and is the few hand carried weapons able to penetrate dragon hide. The joint that sticks out from the top is a rechargeable cartridge that employs the use of magic to shoot out a laser-like beam used to cut through dragon scale. It is extremely heavy and is often times swung with both hands. However, it is possible to wield one handed with enough training. 

The vital spots that are aimed for is the dragon's neck, under belly, and head.

Attempts at taming have been futile.

[ Misc. ]
⁂ She keeps daggers and throwing knives hidden on her at all times. You can find them in various hidden compartments in her jacket and boots. There is also a thin metal plating concealed in her gloves.

[ I T E M S ]
[Control Bracelet]
⁂ A magical bracelet infused into her right arm which suppresses most of her power and original strength. With it on, her powers are currently at half strength. The only possible way to remove it at this time is to cut off her arm. The bright side to it is that it blocks her ability to paralyze others who meet her gaze. While she can still use her blood abilities, it's a lot weaker, limited in range, and control. It does not affect her race's natural strength and physical capabilities.

[ Blindfold ]
⁂ Although Arlaena does not need to wear a blindfold anymore, she keeps it tied to her sword as a reminder of who she was in the past.Being one of the few reminders of the train, she treasures it dearly.

[ Red Scarf ]
⁂ A memento from Damon upon escaping her dimension. It is one of her most prized possessions and she rarely ever seen without it. 

[ Wedding Rings x 4 ]
⁂ Arlaena currently wears her second husband's, Rowan's, wedding ring as she is currently unable to let go of him. (After all, he had died extremely recently). The ring from her first husband, Kaden, is safely stored away in a box back on the train. She also has her own wedding rings stored away.
[ B A T T L E S T Y L E ] 
[ Unfeeling | Cruel | Merciless | Monstrous ]
⁂ Avoid entering serious combat with Arlaena at all costs.

▌ M I S C E L L A N E O U S

[ D R A C A N I A : Overview]
Scientific Name: Malisdracotrinis 
Pronunciation: ma-lee-S-dra-ko-tree-nee-S
Meaning: children of the mother dragon
Derived from: Filis matris draconis (Latin)

Dubbed by Ayden Tzarka, the name is in reference to the first known Dracania, his mother. 

Aging: Ages regularly till 18. Aging slows by 20x.
Physical: Bat wings, horns, scaled tails, sharp canines
Internal: Increased stamina, senses.
Abilities: Elemental (common), Physical (Tzarkas), Mental (Rhiasien)

[ H E X L Y V : Overview ]
Three Kingdoms: Xyrell, Vaxthor, Lecadis
Religions: Deigeni (polytheistic), Eledea (monotheistic?), Unvera (monothesitic)


[ T R I V I A ]
  • Has a disc-like robot helper named HJ (Harper Jr.).
  • Technically a princess due to her lineage.
  • Barely literate. Has most thing read to her.
  • She's an aethiest.
  • Has a tattoo on the back of her neck.
  • The red scarf was given to her by Damon.
  • Her taste buds are extremely dull.
  • She has several scars across her body and a fang puncture wound on her left shoulder.
  • She can't cook worth crap
  • She has a hair clip given to her by Rowan while they were dating.
  • She wears army issued dog tags of hers and her second husband's.
[ R E L A T I O N S ]
WT: Conductor Problems by Stabette

▌ R O L E P L A Y

[ S C R I P T ]

*She rolled her shoulders, sucked in some air before releasing a sigh of exasperation.* And just when I thought I was going to have a relaxing day... *With that, she hoisted her sword over her shoulder and rested her closed fist against the curve of her hip.* Heads will roll.

[ L I T ]

On the ground, she gasped for air as pain shot through her body from the wound. Moving only aggravated the bullet hole as blood poured from it, but they would have to move. The men knew that they were the threat and would have to be taken care of first. Yet, she couldn't move. Her body was numb and her mind raced with memories. Blood. Screams. Gunfire. Monsters. Her chest immediately felt heavy, as though the weight of death were pressing down on it. As he spoke, she stared. Not at him, but through him. Yet, his words rang in her ears as she lay there. He held out the cloth to her, which she took. Not for herself, but for him as she slowly reached over, wincing as she cleaned the blood from his spider legs. Then, with her own bare hands, she dug her fingers into her skin, grunting in agony as she ripped it from her flesh. She gasped for air, trying to regain composure as he continued to speak, albeit uncertainly, "I don't know about you but I don't want to be a monster just to kill another.."

"Then so be it... " Arlaena grunted, glaring at the men who were slowly advancing towards them. Guns held at the ready. "All the water on earth couldn't possibly wash away even a speck of blood that is on my hands.... To add more... what does it matter to me...?" She slowly sat up, grimacing as she raised her hand, allowing her blood to form into floating shards. Flicking her wrist, a single shard shot out of her hand, torpedoing towards one of the men before stabbing him through the neck, nailing him to the wall. Hanging him above ground like a man on a noose. "To defeat a monster, one must become a monster. If that is what it takes to protect those I care for.... then so be it."


Revamps: Ver.1 | Ver. 2 | Ver. 3 | Ver. 4 | Ver. 5 (you are here) 
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1900x1300px 2.43 MB
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StrangeStickmanStuff's avatar

But hey, you sure did put tons of detail into this.